Vente Internationale d’Appartements à Jérusalem?

J’ai reçu un courriel ce matin qui m’a fait bondir le cœur dans la poitrine.

Une pub, envoyée par courriel, pour attirer des clients français à acheter des appartements de luxe, dans un complexe nommé “Hollyland Park” à Jérusalem.

Bon! J’ai fait des recherches sur le net et ai trouvé un article (en anglais) sur ce complexe. Il paraît que les promoteurs auraient dénudé cette colline couverte de pins pour y construire cette monstruosité — comme s’ils avaient déjà trop d’arbres dans cette contrée!

Pourquoi ne pas utiliser cet argent pour construire des logements pour ceux qui vivent dans une grande pauvreté… sans eau, sans aide médicale et sans toit décent au-dessus de leur tête?

Et une autre question que je me pose… avec toute la controverse des israéliens construisant tout partout et envahissant les terres palestiniennes… je me demande si ce Hollyland stuff serait construit sur des terres appartenant aux palestiniens?

Ceci dit, je vais placer, ci-dessous, la pub que j’ai reçue de même que l’article (en anglais), trouvé sur le net.


Pub pour vente d'appart à Jérusalem


Jerusalem Real Estate Scandal Topples Giants…

by Jesse Fox, Tel Aviv, Israel on 04.25.10

The “Holyland Park” apartment complex in Jerusalem. (image by Adiel lo, via Wikipedia)

A massive corruption scandal involving some of the most powerful people in Israel and an almost universally loathed building complex in Jerusalem has highlighted the need for tighter regulation of the country’s land planning system. But this hasn’t stopped the Prime Minister from pushing his plan to radically deregulate the planning system.

Quite a few ugly buildings have been built in Jerusalem in recent years, but none have been as traumatic for the people of the city as the Holyland Park project, known to most simply as “Holyland.” Built about a decade ago on what used to be a pine-covered hilltop in southern Jerusalem, the neighborhood contains almost 1,000 luxury apartments in a row of buildings that stick out like a sore thumb on the city’s modest skyline.

Back in the 1990’s, the project was rejected by planning authorities for sloppy and unprofessional planning. A few years later, however, Jerusalem’s local planning committee approved a vastly expanded version of the project, ignoring protests from neighbors and environmental groups. What made the authorities change their minds? Apparently, millions of dollars in bribes to key officials.

Holy Scandal

The Holyland scandal broke in early April, and since then barely a day has gone by without some new senior figure being implicated. Thus far, two former deputy mayors, a former mayor, the former city engineer and even former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (also a former mayor) have been named as suspects, along with a host of political cronies and the project’s developers.

The affair has been described as the biggest corruption scandal in the Israel’s history, and the country’s National Fraud Squad is reportedly focusing exclusively on it, with all other investigations put on hold.

Planning Reform in Doubt

The scandal, which has exposed the weaknesses of Israel’s planning system for all to see, broke at a particularly inconvenient time for current PM Benjamin Netanyahu, whose attempt to push through an already controversial reform of the planning system no longer seems like such a wise idea. Worse still, it turns out that one of the architects of Netanyahu’s reform apparently used to work for the developers of Holyland.

Critics of the PM’s reform, who claim it would benefit real estate developers at the expense of the public, have latched onto the Holyland scandal as proof that the planning system needs to be bolstered, not weakened.

Last week, at an Earth Day ceremony, environmentalists sarcastically granted the PM a “black globe” for his attempts to promote the reform.

Netanyahu has responded by ordering a “reassessment of oversight mechanisms” in the new law, but opponents are calling on the government to scrap the current reform altogether and start formulating a new one – this time, with the participation of the public and the NGO community.

The ‘Holyland’ Effect

Meanwhile, in the wake of the scandal, exposing questionable real estate projects that fell through the cracks has become the new national sport (the local press has deemed this “the Holyland effect”).

In Jerusalem, a city councilor has asked the police to investigate how an apartment complex was approved in place of a soccer field, while its developers were exempted from paying tens of millions of dollars in betterment taxes. In Tel Aviv, a residents’ organization is appealing against the approval of a hi-rise planned for their neighborhood, claiming the building’s architect was implicated in the Holyland scandal. In Haifa, a city council member put together a list of seven shady real estate projects which he says must be stopped before they become local ‘Holylands’.

These efforts could turn out to be just the tip of the iceberg, as Israel’s big cities are littered with dubious real estate deals and seemingly arbitrary planning decisions – all of which are now potentially suspect as the next Holyland.

International Selling of Appartments in Jerusalem?

I received an e-mail, this morning, that made my heart jumped in my chest. It is a colorful advertisement, in French, selling appartments in a deluxe complex — called Holyland Park — in Jerusalem. Made some researches on the net and found info on it.

I just ask myself why — with all the controversy of Israel stubbornly building appartment towers all over the place, even on Palestinian land — they are building expensive and deluxe places when so many people, in this area, are living in misery, without water, medical help and without a decent roof over their head.

They destroyed a nice pine-covered hilltop to build this complex — as if they have such an abundance of trees in this area ! With all this money, couldn’t they have built housing for poor people so they can live decently?

And my last question… is this complex built on a controversial land, belonging to Palestinians?

You will find, below, an article about this complex and I will try to download the ad (which is in French) I received.


French ad for the "Holyland Park" in Jerusalem.


Jerusalem Real Estate Scandal Topples Giants, buildings remanin standing.

by Jesse Fox, Tel Aviv, Israel on 04.25.10

holyland park jerusalem
The “Holyland Park” apartment complex in Jerusalem. (image by Adiel lo, via Wikipedia)

A massive corruption scandal involving some of the most powerful people in Israel and an almost universally loathed building complex in Jerusalem has highlighted the need for tighter regulation of the country’s land planning system. But this hasn’t stopped the Prime Minister from pushing his plan to radically deregulate the planning system.

Quite a few ugly buildings have been built in Jerusalem in recent years, but none have been as traumatic for the people of the city as the Holyland Park project, known to most simply as “Holyland.” Built about a decade ago on what used to be a pine-covered hilltop in southern Jerusalem, the neighborhood contains almost 1,000 luxury apartments in a row of buildings that stick out like a sore thumb on the city’s modest skyline.

Back in the 1990’s, the project was rejected by planning authorities for sloppy and unprofessional planning. A few years later, however, Jerusalem’s local planning committee approved a vastly expanded version of the project, ignoring protests from neighbors and environmental groups. What made the authorities change their minds? Apparently, millions of dollars in bribes to key officials.

Holy Scandal

The Holyland scandal broke in early April, and since then barely a day has gone by without some new senior figure being implicated. Thus far, two former deputy mayors, a former mayor, the former city engineer and even former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert (also a former mayor) have been named as suspects, along with a host of political cronies and the project’s developers.

The affair has been described as the biggest corruption scandal in the Israel’s history, and the country’s National Fraud Squad is reportedly focusing exclusively on it, with all other investigations put on hold.

Planning Reform in Doubt

The scandal, which has exposed the weaknesses of Israel’s planning system for all to see, broke at a particularly inconvenient time for current PM Benjamin Netanyahu, whose attempt to push through an already controversial reform of the planning system no longer seems like such a wise idea. Worse still, it turns out that one of the architects of Netanyahu’s reform apparently used to work for the developers of Holyland.

Critics of the PM’s reform, who claim it would benefit real estate developers at the expense of the public, have latched onto the Holyland scandal as proof that the planning system needs to be bolstered, not weakened.

Last week, at an Earth Day ceremony, environmentalists sarcastically granted the PM a “black globe” for his attempts to promote the reform.

Netanyahu has responded by ordering a “reassessment of oversight mechanisms” in the new law, but opponents are calling on the government to scrap the current reform altogether and start formulating a new one – this time, with the participation of the public and the NGO community.

The ‘Holyland’ Effect

Meanwhile, in the wake of the scandal, exposing questionable real estate projects that fell through the cracks has become the new national sport (the local press has deemed this “the Holyland effect”).

In Jerusalem, a city councilor has asked the police to investigate how an apartment complex was approved in place of a soccer field, while its developers were exempted from paying tens of millions of dollars in betterment taxes. In Tel Aviv, a residents’ organization is appealing against the approval of a hi-rise planned for their neighborhood, claiming the building’s architect was implicated in the Holyland scandal. In Haifa, a city council member put together a list of seven shady real estate projects which he says must be stopped before they become local ‘Holylands’.

These efforts could turn out to be just the tip of the iceberg, as Israel’s big cities are littered with dubious real estate deals and seemingly arbitrary planning decisions – all of which are now potentially suspect as the next Holyland.

Fumée Noire / Fumée Blanche

Ce matin, tout en écoutant CNN, j’ai eu une pensée vraiment drôle et je voudrais la partager avec vous… juste pour le plaisir de vous voir rire! 🙂

Depuis quelques jours, aux nouvelles, le télé-journal annonçait des fumées noires s’échappant des réacteurs de la centrale nucléaire endommagée au Japon. Mais, ce matin, ils annonçaient avec soulagement que la fumée était maintenant… blanche!

Alors, dans un grand éclat de rire, je me suis exclamée: “YEAAAAHHHHH! On a un nouveau pape!!!”

Bon… c’est tout…. j’espère que vous avez tous un beau sourire sur vos lèvres maintenant 😀

Bonne journée ou.. bonne nuit!

Black Smoke / White smoke

Well, I had a funy thought this morning and I would like to share it with you…. just to have the pleasure to make you laugh!

This morning, I was listening to CNN… after days of reporting black smoke coming out of the damaged japanese reactors they were happy to claim that everything would be fine as the smoke was now…. white.

I just burst of laugh and exclaimed… YEAH! We have a new pope!!!!!!!!

Hope that now you have a beautiful smile…

Have a beautiful evening or day…..

Irradiation from Japan?

Well! Fear of irradiation from Japan adding just few RADs more to our day to day living, isn’t it? What do you prefer? Some traces of iodine in your spinach or a toxic bouillon of dreadful chemicals spewting from your industries every days of the year?

Come on people… just look into your own country and stop being mesmerized by your medias….

People are sickened and are dying from high level of toxins in your own country and nobody talk about it….  Why doctors and hospitals refuse to acknowledge these thousands upon thousands of sick americans who are trying to clean BP’s mess?

Or should we talk about the town of Hinkley, California where residents’ drinking water had been — and still is — poisonned by chromium toxic plumes from a near by industry for many, many years now (remember “Erin Brockovich?)… with people sickened and dying there too… Is something has been done about this?

Just two exemples in the midst of many thousands of terrible things happening in your own country, things you people don’t know about or don’t want to know about.

Read these few lines:

“This young woman, Jennifer Rexford, BP-hired oil cleanup worker, is documenting her illness from the toxins in the gulf with her video camera. If you think it’s just headaches or something like that, watch this. Severe neurological damage. Doctors and hospitals refuse to acknowledge this with anyone there who’s sick. And there are apparently tens of thousands now.
Paul Doomm is mentioned twice in this video. He is a 22 year old who swam in and ate from the Gulf all summer, against his grandmother’s advice. He has been hospitalized after seeing 94 doctors who don’t know what to do for him. His blood had the highest amount of PAH’s ever documented.”

If you want to see an excerpt of her video:

What can be done? Who can do something? Are those multiple billions of dollars spent on “wars” somewhere else would not be more useful for cleaning your own land and help your sickened people to recover?


Bon! Quand on fait un casse-tête sans la boîte et que toutes les pièces sont éparpillées sur la table, on ne voit pas encore l’image… mais quand on commence à assembler les morceaux et que l’image se forme petit à petit, cela peut parfois devenir effrayant.

Certaines personnes me disent que ce n’est pas si pire que cela parait mais… je n’en suis pas si certaine… et je crois que l’on devrait tous se réveiller avant de retourner à l’époque du Moyen-Âge où les serfs étaient les esclaves des lords et avaient leurs langues coupées au moindre murmure de dis-satisfaction.

Qu’est-ce qui se passe aux États-Unis présentement? Supposé être la “Terre des Hommes Libres”, n’est-ce pas? Et protégés par une Constitution à toute épreuve qui protège la liberté d’expression sous toutes ses formes, entre autre… n’est-ce pas? Mais, en quelques jours, le gouvernement américain a soumis ou instauré des lois qui briment cette Constitution et qui, par le fait même, mets la liberté d’expression du monde entier en danger.

La première loi qui est présentée au Sénat est que plus personne n’aura le droit de critiquer ce que fait le gouvernement américain sous peine d’être arrêté et enfermé dans les camps de FEMA (nom poli pour un camps de concentration)… et cette loi ne se limite pas qu’au peuple américain. Donc, que vous soyez canadien, européen, asiatique ou africain, cela n’a pas d’importance… ils veulent votre tête! Donc, y aura-t-il agréments entre les américains et nos gouvernements lavettes pour permettre aux CIA de venir dans nos pays et arrêter/kidnapper/expatrier ceux qui osent parler et contester?

Si vous voulez avoir une petite idée de ce qui se passe, vous pouvez aller voir ce vidéo. Il est en anglais, par contre, mais… intéressant:

Puis, ce matin… cet article est dans ma boite courriels:

Une loi vient d’être passée au Wisconsin qui aboli le pouvoir des syndicats de travail et qui brime les travailleurs. Une loi qui retourne les américains bien des années en arrière, au temps de la Révolution Industrielle et des années 20 et qui efface toutes ces années de batailles pour obtenir justice, liberté et respects. Ceux qui se sont battus pour ce doivent pleurer ce matin ou se retourner dans leurs tombes. Comment un gouvernement qui se soucie du bien-être de sa population peut-il permettre une telle loi? Comment peut-il même penser à instaurer une telle loi? Oh! C’est juste au Wisconsin, n’est-ce pas? Mais je crois que cela va se répandre — comme un feu d’herbe sèches en pleine canicule — à tous les États sous peu et que cette loi infâme va être adoptée.

Bon! Et maintenant le fameux Codex. Plus de vitamines ou suppléments. Tout va être gérer par les pharmas sous le joug du gouvernement. Donc — par exemple — si, pour être en santé vous devez prendre 5,000ui de vitamine D3 et que le gouvernement décide que 400ui d’une autre variété moins efficace de D est suffisant… bien… plus personne n’aura rien à redire… à moins que vous n’ayez les moyen d’acheter ce qu’il vous faut au marché noir. Il faudra se cacher pour acheter nos vitamines de la même façon que les gens se cachent maintenant pour acheter de la drogue. N’est-ce pas un brin ridicule?

Oh! Et une question…. quelqu’un peut me dire pourquoi il est si difficile de trouver du thym comme herbe aromatique en magasin depuis quelque temps?

Et celle-là qui a été suggérée par un illuminé du gouvernement américain: Avoir un jardin potager serait déclaré hors-la-loi de même que d’avoir des herbes aromatiques dans vos boîtes à fleurs… sous peine d’emprisonnement… et entre-temps, il serait hors-la-loi d’employer des semences du patrimoine… seules les semences GMO seraient acceptées, celles de Monsanto bien évidemment… celles qui rendent malade et altèrent notre ADN.

Plus on mets les pièces du casse-tête en place et plus on voit ce qui se passe… pas juste un évènement à la fois… mais la grande image… et c’est pas très joli à voir! Nous sommes supposés évoluer pas dévoluer, n’est-ce pas?

Il serait temps que l’on se réveille et que tout cela cesse avant que l’on retourne à l’âge du Cro-Magnon. Notre liberté est le bien le plus précieux que l’on a en tant qu’être humain et nous devons le faire respecter. Liberté de Parole, Liberté de Choix, Liberté de Vivre, le tout dans le Respect… Nous sommes des Êtres intelligents et avons la capacité de choisir ce qui est bien pour nous et avons le droit de vivre dans un monde en paix. C’est important pour nous, nos enfants et pour nos petits-enfants … et tous ceux qui vont suivre. Il nous faut faire quelque chose avant qu’il ne soit trop tard!


Just wonder what is happening in United States these days? Wasn’t it supposed to be the “Land of the Free”? And with a Constitution that preserved the Freedom of Speech and all the goodies?

In 2 days, the whole world is now threaten to be sent to those FEMA camps (polite word for concentration camps) if they dare say something against US government stupidities or question their integrity. It is not a law, yet.. but… You think that, because you are in Canada or in Europe you’ll be safe? Not if I believe what I read… meaning… is our respective governments will continue to slavishly eat in the States hands and give them permission to come in our country to arrest the ones who speak the truth and question wrongdoings? Go see this video to have a glimpse of what it is about:

Then, this morning, this other news:

A law that is erasing years and years of fighting for justice and put back people in the ’20s and before the industrial revolution. Many of american people’s who fought and win this important step might just cry if they are still alive or bounce in their graves. How can a government who is caring for his people can allow this to happen or just think about implementing such law? Oh! It is just in Wisconsin, you’ll say! But I bet that this will just run like grass fire and soon, all the States will adopt this infamy.

And then… the famous Codex. No more vitamins and supplements and you will have to take what the government say. So, if — for example —  to be well and healthy you need 5,000iu of vitamine D3 but the government say… you will have only 400iu of a different and inneficient D form… so be it. Good? I don’t think so!

Oh! And this other one where they want to forbid people to have a vegetable garden and to forbid to grow thyme and other herbs (which can heal infections and flues and else) and force people — in the mean time — to buy only the Monsanto’s GMO seeds which is damaging our DNA.

Geee! When you put everything together, it is frightening. We are suposed to evolve, isn’t it? It is looking more like de-volution to me the way it is going,  back to Middle-Age where you had to obey the lords like slaves and had your tongue cut if you dared murmur a word.

Awake people before going back to the Cro-Magnon era! Ya right! I exagerated a bit with the Cro-Magnon stuff… uuhhhhh… did I?

Elders Abuse, Love you Mickey Rooney

Well! I am back! Long time away from my blog but… I had some vision problems and had some surgeries. Now, it is better even though I have to wait healing to take place. Vision from near is taking a lot of rehabilitation and it is a big bit frustrating but… hey… still a whole world better than it was in between October and February.

Here is the English translation of the blog I wrote in French, few days ago:

I really admire Mickey Rooney. At last, somebody well known speaks out a truth nobody wants to hear about elders’ abuse. Hope that more people will come and help him… and me :), in this quest.

Yes! There is terrible abuse and bullyism from families, care givers, etc… but there is also another insidious one that nobody or so knows about (or don’t want to know about)… Abuse from our own government.

In French and in English, spoke persons give talks full of emotion, government’s web site well structured to bring a strong message, colourful brochures with punch-up words and TV adds that nest a little booger of revolt in a corner of our heart… but… what the government doesn’t say is that he is the first on the top of the list for abusing elders. Hmmmm! I would like to know how many tens of millions from the taxpayer money this “campaign” cost us, since beginning of 2009?

I witnessed old people suddenly deprived of their pension, without a reason. I saw a lot of old ones forced to go eat at the Salvation Army kitchen, as they have no money for food. I know about many who shiver under the winter winds and icy rain and my heart bleeds to see them searching for a quiet and dry spot in a park to sleep for few hours before police comes and expulses them.

All that for what reason? Because the government is doing “enquiries”, trying to recuperate moneys on the back of those who build our country. I know about a particular case where a sick minded woman phoned the pension office and told a story because she wanted to destroy the life of this 72 years old gentleman. She was angry at him because he refused – in the midst of other things like working like a slave for her without being payed – to give her his money. Pension office never questioned and immediately cut a big part of his pension. Two years now that this old man is living in misery and anxiety with a “revenue” way lower than the minimum judged adequate by the government… while waiting that the pension office finish its enquiry.

It is unacceptable!

When I researched at M.P.s offices and at elders’ associations, I was breath taken to see how many seniors live in misery, famish, sick and anxious, not able to buy good food or medicine for themselves because some government agents – who call themselves, pompously, investigators – cut their already meagre pittance on assumptions while refusing the elder his fundamental right to speak and defend himself, which is against the law and our Charter.. if it still mean something.

What is happening with our society? Why do we let our government doing this to these men and women who are also our parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts or simply neighbours or friends? These people had work hard all their life and now they are condemn to finish their life in abject poverty.

I would like to know how many of them died of hunger, abandonment and despair? How many killed themselves? How many are now in hospitals, sickened by overwhelming stress?

How many tears of desolation and discouragement would it take before somebody react and do something?

When an elder is stuck in the government’s spider web, cyclopean walls surround him. Nobody can or want to help them…no elder’s associations (as they don’t want to jeopardize the subventions they receive from the same government), no MPs who just shudder and coldly say that pension office do their job, and no lawyers who refuse to move their butts as there is no money to make in helping an old fart with a miserable pension.

Medias talk a lot about the baby-boomers nowadays. A lot of them have no private pension or REER as their salary was just enough to survive. What will happen? Continue to work up to the moment the tired sparkle of life that animate them will faint and die? They will not be able to leave their job to the youth searching for employment if they want to have enough to pay for a decent funeral and a bit of food in between. And I would not be surprise if, one day, somebody start a campaign saying to the young that they don’t have money for education because government have to pay for seniors’ pensions. Then what? Will we see the elimination of a part of our population as soon as they become non-productive like in a second category science-fiction movie?

Oh! And I forgot… do you know that, when you go over the hill and enter in the senior’s world, you don’t have any right to private life anymore – government thinks. If you have good friends, they could be exposed to have their private life investigated, their personal bank accounts gone through by ministries that have no rights to do it, their Facebook checked and under surveillance, their shelters probed with Google Earth and Google Street, and being slandered? Frightening, isn’t it? It is true… I have proofs of it, sadly.

Big Brother got his eyes on everybody… even old people.

I want to do something for them, stop this madness as, one day, everyone of us will be… old.

La Maltraitance aux Aînés, Bravo Mickey Rooney!

Voilà! Je suis de retour! Cela fait bien longtemps que je n’ai écrit sur mon blog et cela me manquait… mais j’ai eu des problèmes de vision et j’ai dû avoir quelques chirurgies. Maintenant je vois mieux… du moins assez pour être sur mon ordinateur à nouveau. 🙂 Vision de loin… parfaite mais celle de proche…. bien…. disons que l’adaptation est frustrante. Lecture et écriture — même si énormément mieux que durant la période d’octobre à février — reste encore difficile par moments. Il faut le temps que ça guérisse, n’est-ce pas?

Comme j’admire Mickey Rooney! Enfin, une figure connue s’avance, face au public, pour prendre la défense de nos aînés. Peut-être que cela va faire débloquer des choses. Je l’espère du fond de mon cœur! J’espère que d’autres prendront le joug aussi pour dénoncer et protéger.

Oui, il y a des abus terribles et de la maltraitance de la part des familles, des aides aux soins, etc… mais ce que les gens ne savent pas (ou ne veulent pas savoir) est que notre gouvernement fédéral est le premier à abuser nos aînés.

Oui, Yvon Deschamps est un porte-parole tout plein d’émotions, le site web est touchant, les brochures en papier glacé où les mots patinent avec majesté bien attirantes et les vidéos à la télé viennent déposer une petite crotte de révolte dans un coin du cœur mais… ce que le gouvernement ne dit pas est qu’il est le premier en tête de liste à être coupable de maltraitance.

J’ai été témoin de plusieurs aînés soudainement privés d’une grande partie de leur pension, sans raison. J’ai vu beaucoup de vieillards dans l’obligation de fréquenter les cuisines de l’Armée du Salut. J’en connait qui grelottent de froid sous le vent hivernal et la pluie glaciale, sans toit sur la tête… et mon coeur saigne de les voir dormir dans les parcs, sous les arbres ou sur un banc, essayant de trouver un ptit coin paisible et sec pour se reposer quelques heures avant que les policiers ne viennent les expulser ou que des petits vandales ne viennent les attaquer.

Tout cela pourquoi? Parce que le gouvernement fait des “enquêtes”. Je connais un cas – entre autres —  où une femme à l’esprit malade a téléphoné au bureau des pensions et a raconté une histoire fausse par vengeance car le vieil homme refusait de lui donner son argent… alors, le bureau des pension, au lieu de vérifier d’abord si ce fait était véridique, a immédiatement coupé une grande partie de la pension de cet homme de 72 ans. Cela fait maintenant 2 ans que cet homme vit misérablement, bien en-dessous du seuil de la pauvreté et bien en-dessous du minimum de survie décrété par le ministère…. attendant que le bureau des pensions finisse son enquête sans-fin.

Je trouve ce fait innaceptable.

Si l’on se renseigne auprès des parlementaires (M.P.) et des associations d’aide aux personnes âgées, on est estomaqués de voir combien de pensionnés vivent dans la misère, affamés et anxieux, ne pouvant se payer de nourriture saine ni de médication et bien souvent pas de logement décent parce que le gouvernement a décidé de couper leurs maigres pitances.

Que se passe-t-il avec notre société? Comment en est-on arrivés à laisser faire cela à des hommes et des femmes qui sont nos parents, grands-parents, oncles, tantes, ou simplement voisins ou amis? Ces gens ont travaillés dur, toutes leurs vies pour se ramasser avec quoi? Un grand rien tout nu!

J’aimerais bien savoir combien d’entre eux sont morts, précocement, de faim ou de désespoir? Combien se sont suicidés? Combien sont maintenant malades dans des hôpitaux car le stress les a détruits?

Combien de larmes de désolation et de découragement faudra-t-il avant que quelqu’un ne réagisse?

Quand un de nos aînés est pris dans la toile d’araignée du gouvernement, il se trouve entourés de murs cyclopéens. Personne ne veux ou ne peux les aider… que ce soient associations (qui reçoivent des subventions de ce même gouvernement et qui ne veulent pas les perdre), les membres parlementaires qui vous répondent — avec un haussement d’épaules —  que le bureau des pensions fait sa job, ou des avocats qui ne se bougent pas le popotin d’un pouce car il n’y a pas d’argent à faire avec un p’tit vieux sur sa p’tite pension donc… personne ne bouge.

Un “je-m’en-foutisme” total.

On parle beaucoup des “baby-boomers”. De plus en plus de gens deviennent pensionnés et beaucoup d’entre eux n’ont pas de pensions privées ou de REER car leurs salaires suffisaient à peine à nourrir et loger leurs familles. Que va-t-il se passer quand ils vont se retrouver confrontés à une pauvreté encore plus grande, abjecte, car le gouvernement fait des siennes pour leur donner une minable pension de base à laquelle ils pensent avoir droit après une vie de dur labeur?

Devront-ils devoir continuer à travailler et de ce fait, ne pas laisser leurs places aux plus jeunes sans emplois?

Devront-ils devoir continuer à travailler jusqu’au jour où l’étincelle de vie fatiguée s’éteindra dans leurs yeux et que leurs cœurs épuisés s’arrêteront de battre, parce qu’ils ne pouvaient arrêter de gagner quelques sous s’ils voulaient pouvoir se payer un enterrement décent et mangeouiller un brin entre-temps?

Oh! Et j’allais oublier! Saviez-vous que le gouvernement pense que quand vous franchissez le cap du “p’tit vieux” vous n’avez plus droit à une vie privée? Si vous avez des amis/es, ils pourront-être exposés à voir leurs vies privées investiguées, leurs comptes de banque personnels dévoilés à des ministères qui n’ont aucuns droits de le faire, à voir leurs Facebook — ainsi que leurs amis — inscrits et surveillés par ce ministère… de même que pour leurs blogs, à voir leurs lieux d’habitation sondés par Google Earth et Google Street, à voir leurs réputations calomniées sur de fausses bases et même d’être accusés de fraude sans preuves. Effrayant, n’est-ce pas? Et pourtant vrai!

Il semble que le Big Brother est présent même pour les vieillards et leurs amis!

Avez-vous eu cette version des choses, monsieur Yvon Deschamps, ou faites vous partie des aveugles aussi? Je ne dénie certainement pas les abus et maltraitances dont nos aînés ont à souffrir, bien sûr… mais il faut en voir toutes les sources aussi et terminer ce lavage de cerveau qui empêche la majorité des gens de voir la réalité en face.

N’oubliez pas qu’un jour pas si lointain… vous serez vieux aussi!